8 simple tips for keeping your Herald in tip top condition
Herald Motorcycle Maintenance
It’s an exciting time; you finally got your hands on your own Herald and are probably glancing over at the bike right now with its metal coat shining enticingly, all eager to take it for your first ride.
On going general motorcycle maintenance will keep your Herald in good condition with little or no unpleasant surprises on the road.
So without further ado, here is a simple checklist of useful bits to help maintain your bike.
1. Oil Level
Oil level can be checked simply using the level window on your Herald. This can easily be topped up if required via the filler cap pictured below, and if you feel that the oil level drops very quickly soon after it’s topped up – you should see your nearest approved Herald dealer where they will be able to assist you.
2. Tyres
Tyres are not just important for handling but for fuel consumption and your wallet too.
Make sure to occasionally check your tyres for unusual wear and tear as this can indicate that they’re either over or under inflated – this can affect handling as well as fuel consumption. You should also check your tyre pressure, even if there is no unusual wear and tear, and tread depth.
Use a quality pressure gauge to accurately check your bike’s tyre pressure; you can consult the owner’s manual for more information. We usually suggest 29psi for both front and rear Herald tyres.
It is useful to remember that your tyres may need more pressure if you regularly ride with a pillion passenger, and always check the pressure when the tyres are cold.
3. Lights
Lights are lifesavers in dark conditions so make sure they work. Giving them a quick on/off check is simple enough. The same applies to your signals. Make sure to check them both before you get on the road.
4. Suspension
Occasionally check the suspension for any unusual wear and tear or any fork oil leaks. Checking the condition of your motorcycle’s suspension can be done by applying your front brake and pushing down on your handlebars. If your suspension is working it should give a little as you push down, this should be a smooth movement without any clunky sounds or feeling to it.
5. Brakes
Brake pads wear down quite quickly, depending on how aggressively you ride. If you continue to ride when your brake pads are worn down, this could ruin your rotors.
You can inspect your brake pads visually; they should be at least 3mm in depth. If this is less, you should see your nearest Herald dealer to have this looked at, as this could be expensive to correct if it goes too far and damages your discs.
6. Chain
Simply put, without your chain – you can’t ride, so it’s important you check it.
Make sure your chain can move up and down slightly when nobody is sat on your bike, allowing about 20mm-30mm of play. If it’s too tight it’s worth adjusting your chain as they tighten up when weight is on the bike. If your bike chain looks too dry, it probably is, so you should lubricate it with a good wear and tear chain lubricant, making sure to apply it to the inside of the chain.
7. Horn
Your horn can save your life but it’s a part of your bike that you might not use for long periods of time.
You can fail an MOT if your horn doesn’t work so it’s in your interest to check it does. Try it out but only when moving on a non-residential road between 07:00 and 23:30. Apply common sense when doing so.
8. Wash
Washing your bike is part of maintaining it. Keeping it clean of dirt (and salt in winter) will not only make it look nice, but it is also important to help your bike last longer, as well as making it easier to notice any missing or loose bolts and nuts.
Wash your motorbike as soon as you spot any muck, grease or tar on it. This will save you time in the long run and could prevent serious damage to your paintwork, particularly if tar is left to set on your bike.
Soap the bike down with plenty of hot water, laced with a decent quality car shampoo. Do not use washing-up liquid as it is corrosive. Use a sponge on the bodywork and a dish brush for the fiddly bits. Rinse off with plenty of fresh water; avoid blasting around bearings and electrics if using a pressure washer. Wax the bodywork – even the wheels – with a decent car wax.
Never leave your bike unwashed after a winter ride. Salt corrosion will start within a matter of hours.
So here you have it folks! Make sure to look after your Herald using these simple motorcycle maintenance tips and you can happily ride off into the sunset on your bike, knowing there is a bright and many adventure filled future that awaits you both.
For more information on motorcycle maintenance, consult the bike user manual, get in touch at sales@heraldmotorcompany.com, or see your nearest Herald dealer.